Cranberry Holiday Punch | Sugar for Breakfast: Cranberry Holiday Punch
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cranberry Holiday Punch

I must make a confession. I almost already failed on TWO of my New Year's resolutions just today. The third of January. Seriously. It just proves that making changes are hard! It is so easy to fall into bad habits and a billion times harder to break the habit or start a new one.
Today was chilly and I am catching a head cold. One of those you just feel coming on. So I originally thought I'd stay in my sweatpants all day...until I remembered I vowed to do at least one productive thing a day. Into my clothes and I whisked away to the kitchen to organize my 200+ cookie cutters.
Whew. Resolution crisis #1 adverted.
Then I remembered my blog portion of my start a "Thirsty Thursday" post each week!
Thus brings me Resolution crisis #2 adverted! Cranberry Holiday Punch.

I will admit that you cannot mess up a punch. You just pour a variety of things together and voila! You've got yourself a punch!
This is my favorite Christmas drink to make for my family when we get together for our gift exchange.
It is super simple (what punch isn't) and you've probably made it before. But here it is, my first "Thirsty Thursday" drink recipe. 

Cranberry Holiday Punch

2 liter bottle of Sprite or 7Up
1 bottle of cranberry juice (real juice, not juice cocktail)
1 bag of fresh cranberries

Freeze the bag of cranberries a day or so before you'll be serving the punch. Just toss the bag in the freezer.
Pour the cranberry juice and the Sprite together in a large punch bowl or drink dispenser. 
Add the frozen cranberries to keep the punch nice and cool!

I used our glass dispenser we usually have iced tea in, and added some festive silver star garland for some sparkle. It is really good!

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