Sugar Cone Christmas Trees {kids craft} | Sugar for Breakfast: Sugar Cone Christmas Trees {kids craft}
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees {kids craft}

Christmas is only FOUR  days away! 
Where has 2012 gone? Seriously! This year (especially this December) is just flying by!
We are having Christmas with my family tomorrow, and it is at my I'm scrambling to get cookies baked, candy made, presents wrapped, and most importantly: the house presentable! 
If you are like me you are doing this also to some extent, which means that you have your kids at your heels wanting to "help" or do this or do that, and keeping them entertained is hard while so much is going on.
Well this is a fun craft that will keep them busy for a bit while you are in the kitchen also getting that baking done!
It is simpler than a full-blown gingerbread house, and a great way to use up any random leftover Halloween candy (you know that stash in the zip-loc bag in the cupboard).

All you need are:
  • Sugar Ice Cream Cones
  • Green frosting
  • Candy Pieces
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Square Cardboard Pieces
  • Aluminum Foil
I wrapped the cardboard in foil, frosted the cones, put the candy in bowls and let her get busy!
These photos are from the ones we made last year...aww! How time flies, my little munchkin was two!

When the trees are all decorated, I added frosting in a large circle on the foil, and stuck the cones down into the frosting, then sprinkled shredded coconut over all the frosting to make it look like snow.
It makes a fun centerpiece among all your Christmas goodies!

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