Justin Bieber {my daughter's first concert} | Sugar for Breakfast: Justin Bieber {my daughter's first concert}
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Justin Bieber {my daughter's first concert}

I am a little late (okay - way late, 2 weeks to be exact) on posting about taking my beautiful little Belieber to her first concert. And not just any first concert. It was thee Justin Bieber!
Ever since she was able to say anything, she was singing his "Baby" song that was always playing on the radio. It was so cute. Now that cuteness has turned into full-fledged star heartthrob crush for her.
His posters now adorn her bedroom walls. We own all his cd's (including the acoustic and the remix albums). Her birthday cards have him on it, her toothbrush sings his songs, his movie sits on top of her DVD collection, his singing doll that belts out "Boyfriend" is played with almost daily. His videos are all on her Vevo playlist on her iPad. Yes, Justin Bieber is part of our lives.
So when I found out his "Believe" tour would be in Des Moines, I knew I had to get tickets for my little munchkin.

I was happy to get the presale code from the venue so I could buy tickets a day before they went on sale to general public, but I still sat and queue for 20 minutes to get nosebleed seats. I ended up buying tickets the day before much closer to the stage. After going to see NKOTB and my meet and greet encounter with 98 Degrees just a week before going to see Beiber, I knew I had to be closer.

I am so glad I did. The look on Sophia's face when she saw the stage was a look I will never forget. She was ecstatic. I mean look at her face:

Let me tell you, the day was hot and humid. Anyone who knows what weather is like in Iowa during the end of June knows what I'm talking about here. It was one of those "do-not-wear-your-hair-down-or-else-it-is-going-to-be-twice-the-size-of-your-head" kind of days. 
I knew the shrieks from the girls would give me a headache and the crowd of girls would be enormous. 
I was correct.
I was also surprised at how many moms are oogling over the boy!
Seriously, there were lots of cougars out on the prowl that night.
We arrived about an hour and a half before doors opened to stand in line, and at first I thought I was being crazy, but I wasn't. I am glad we did. We were able to be at the front of the lines to get in and we able to bypass the crowds at the merchandise stand right in front of the door. 
We walked around and found the Essence booth and Sophia received her free tube of lip gloss, plus her photo taken with the JB cut-out. Since my luck wasn't flowing and I didn't get to win meet and greets like seven days prior (that post here).

I got the photo off of their website, and she is looking at me, but she is still totally so cute, isn't she?

Here are just some more photos before the show started:


Her expression may looked a bit pained, but I assure it isn't, it is one of pure joy!
$30 for the t-shirt and $10 for the Believe bracelet made her the happiest girl ever. She slept in that shirt that night, and wore it the next day even :)

So there was a bit of drama going on because the Biebs was anywhere from 1-2 hours late performing.
The guy came on a little after 10. In his defense, the show started at 7pm, with the opening acts not performing too long. They should take a cue from NKOTB and start at 7:30 and that would alleviate a lot of the problem there.
Then I heard he was late from all the "staffers" at the arena for the following reasons:

  • he was still getting his hair done
  • he was lifting weights
  • he was eating Dominos pizza
  • he was driving around in the back on his hover-round
  • he was playing video games
Who knows what the reason was besides he is Justin Bieber and does what he wants.
Yeah, it sucks since most of the crowd is under 15, but at least it wasn't a school night.
Sophia didn't care and forgot all her tiredness though once he graced us with his presence.
It went from the entire arena booing him, to cheering in a microsecond when the lights flashed and his 10 minute countdown started. It was comical!

Needless to say, Biebs puts on an excellent show. 
I mean, if he still wants to be around for a long time, again, he should reference NKOTB who puts on the best show ever after 25 years. 
But I am so glad I got to my little girl to his concert, and I can honestly say I would go to his concert again.
It was totally worth it just to hear Sophia tell me right when she woke up the following morning, "Mommy, I can't believe we actually got to see Justin Bieber. We're lucky."
Yes, we are lucky. And poor after all the merchandise purchases :( But it was a great moment to share with my daughter.
Here are some photos from the night:

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