Labeling the Kitchen Essentials | Sugar for Breakfast: Labeling the Kitchen Essentials
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Labeling the Kitchen Essentials

Flour. Sugar. Brown Sugar. Powdered Sugar.
These are my kitchen staples (and salt).
I have them in large glass canisters on my kitchen counter so I may reach them easily while baking (and cooking).
My husband kept asking me "which one is the sugar and which is the salt?" well the salt is in the little mason jar at the end...but I could see where the confusion could come in. So to make sure that error wouldn't happen I decided to label them.
I've been scouring the internet for great printable labels with the words already in them. (I'm experimenting with creating printables, but it takes practice) So in the mean time utilizing other's great work will have to do :)
So thank you for making awesome and simply designs labels that work perfectly for me! They can be downloaded here.

I'm fairly new to mod podging...okay, very new as I've only done it umm twice now, so I'm very pleased with how these turned out.
I simply wiped down the glass well, painted a layer of mod podge where I wanted the label to go, and applied 2 coats of the mod podge. I then wiped the excess from around the edges of the labels; pushing it towards the label to create a type of "seal" so when I wipe the jars with a damp cloth it won't ruin the label.

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