The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo {book review} | Sugar for Breakfast: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo {book review}
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo {book review}

When I saw that bloggingforbooks was offering review copies of Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up I could not have been more excited! I was just looking at this book over at and researching her a bit online before I took the plunge on her method. 

For me, I am trying to become "clutter-free" and minimize our belongings. We are aiming for memories over things at my house. Since my dad and grandparents have all passed away, my house has accumulated a lot of things. Granted, I love the things, but they are taking over our modest house. 
I completed the 30 Bags in 30 Days challenge and found it liberating and definitely life-changing. Just seeing how much stuff I could get rid of was a challenge for me and almost disgusting to see (we waste so much money). 
But, after it was done, things slowly get crazy again!
Reading about the KonMari method by Marie Kondo was liberating. Just hearing about the method and its proven success made me feel hopeful. I could visualize my house after using her method. I envisioned the stacks of things I pulled out during the 30 Days challenge, that I just put back - but now I could see getting rid of them is okay!
I devoured the book in one day, highlighting, noting, and ear-tagging page corners so I could find my favorite quotes and sections easily. 
I set to work immediately utilizing her method tackling first my clothes. This time I followed the KonMari way and pulled EVERYTHING out to sort through. Even though I had just done this a few months ago and got rid of a garbage bag filled with clothes, this time I got rid of 2 1/2 more garbage bags! I haven't even added many clothes since my last clean-out either! It was amazing. I even followed her method on folding clothes for proper storage, and it is so much better! It isn't really any more time-consuming, but it makes me feel fresher, cleaner, just happier when I go to find clothes to wear. 
One thing that she repeats over and over is to tidy by category. This alone was mind blowing for me because I have always cleaned by room or zone, like the desk or the kitchen drawers. 
Just completing my clothes was seriously a life-changing and eye-opening moment for me. I know it seems crazy that that thing alone could have such an impact, but it did. I was able to get rid of one storage bin I was using for clothes and 2 shelves with hooks on my walls that I was using for hats and scarves. Freeing up that space clears up so much room and my wall just looks crisp and nice again. It is refreshing to see it. (Now to get my husband on board with his side of closet...)
I am taking her book one step at a time. I am tackling shoes right now and coats. It is cold in Iowa, so it is perfect right now to match up mittens and get rid of those that don't have a mate. 
While reading Marie's book you can tell she definitely has a passion (if not obsession) about tidying up, which is all the more reason to trust her. At first I was skeptical about holding every item and asking "does it bring me joy"? 
Honestly, after doing it hundreds of times now I can say it works!
There is so much that I have just because - just like Kondo says happens.
Her book opens up your brain to understand some of the rationing your brain goes through for keeping things and it is so true. I'm not a hugely sentimental person, and Kondo made me realize that holding onto an item for a memory, not because it brings me joy is pointless. The memory I will always have - the item itself doesn't matter. 
I must admit that I do still throw things away happily as I come across them. Since KonMari is done in steps, I haven't reached some areas, but if I happen across something that I know I will toss out when I get there, I just do it then. 
I would give this book one hundred stars if I could and I have already verbally recommended it to so many people. I think every one who wants to experience life without clutter and start creating memories without stuff, and focus on life - not things...NEED to get this book ASAP!

You can purchase the book here

*I received a copy of this book from from in exchange for my honest review.

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