The Best {& Easiest) Toffee | Sugar for Breakfast: The Best {& Easiest) Toffee
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Best {& Easiest) Toffee

Christmas baking season is in full bloom. All the sugar and butter, and sugar...and butter, and oh yes-CHOCOLATE!
One candy that I have tried making for several years is toffee. It just never ever came out right for me. I always cooked it according to the recipe and keeping a close eye on the candy thermometer. But it always came out grainy, just not the right consistency...yadda yadda yadda.
Well that all changed last night for me! HOORAY!
I found a toffee recipe tucked into a newspaper clipping in my favorite recipe box *my Grandma's* and thought I'd give it a whirl.
I must say, this is the best, and really the easiest toffee I have ever made, for obvious reasons. But in all seriousness it is really great! My hubs said it tasted just like a thick Heath bar. Now, that is success in my book!
So get out a heavy duty saucepan, an square baking dish, and leave that candy thermometer in the drawer (seriously).
Best & Easiest Toffee

by Emily Chhouy
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 15 min
Ingredients (1 pound)
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
In a square baking dish (8 or 9 inch) line the inside with foil.
Place butter, sugar, and water in the sauce pan and cook over a medium/high heat, stirring frequently/constantly with a wooden spoon.
After about 5 minutes the mixture should start to become very foamy.
Keep stirring and cooking.
At about 10 minutes it will start to smell nutty and start turning an almond color.
Keep stirring and cooking another 2-3 minutes until the mixture smooths out and becomes a nice even lightly caramel color.
Pour into the baking dish.
Let sit about 3 minutes, then cover in chocolate chips.
Let chips melt and then smooth out with a spatula.
Let the toffee sit until completely cooled (overnight is easiest) then pull out the toffee in the foil and break into pieces.
Store covered in airtight container.
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This is the picture of the toffee setting up. Don't wait too long to put on the chocolate chips or else when you break the toffee up, the chocolate will fall off and not stick to the toffee. When the toffee doesn't slide around in the dish when you move it around, it is ready.

Let's just take one more look at the delicious toffee!

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