Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui {book review} | Sugar for Breakfast: Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui {book review}
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Monday, April 11, 2016

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui {book review}

A book review on clearing more clutter...

I am working towards a clutter-free house and this is one of several books I have now read on achieving a clean, orderly, simple house. 
I was drawn to this book because the idea of Feng Shui is so unknown to me. I was anticipating much more information on organizing your house in the Feng Shui manner.
Instead, this book is about why to clear clutter with some baby steps on moving in the right direction. The book references NUMEROUS customers/clients who have tried this method, succeeded and lived to the tell the tale. 
Unfortunately, this book falls short for me in the clutter-clearing know-how. I much prefer "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.
There are many examples of "for further information on clearing such-and-such space, check this chapter." However, when I read that chapter later, it is a short little blip without giving me information I wanted.
I guess I really wanted more of an introduction to Feng Shui, and to do that you must clear the clutter. So that makes sense. The book is a great reference to other books the author suggests reading for further information.
If you are wanting more of a introduction to Feng Shui, pass on this. If you want an introduction on clearing the'll work for you.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review from bloggingforbooks.

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