Sophia is Seven! {interview} | Sugar for Breakfast: Sophia is Seven! {interview}
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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sophia is Seven! {interview}

Another year has come. My baby girl is now seven years old. 

Sophia - a few days old (she was a 10 1/2 lb newborn)

Sophia at dress rehearsal, 2 days before her birthday

She is now in the first grade.
She's lost 6 teeth, with one about to come out any moment now.
She's loving being in dance competition this year...jazz and hip hop.
My hubs and I couldn't be more proud of how hard she tries in school.
The Golden Rule is definitely how this girl lives her life and she just can't comprehend why everyone can't be "good".

Sophia is a lot like me and too much like her dad :)
She loves girly things just as much as she loves going out to the lake for a day of fishing.
Everyday she reminds me how lucky I am to be a mom. I am so glad to have a child that I am sure will make her mark on the world. 
Another year full of happiness, some tears, lots of laughs, tons of growth, and gaining more excitement about life. 

In keeping up with our birthday tradition - here's her birthday interview!

  • How old are you?
    • Seven.
  • What is your favorite color?
    • Dark turquoise.
  • What is your favorite food?
    • Pizza. I just love it so so so much.
  • What is your favorite drink?
    • Chocolate milk and pop. But not diet pop, I hear it is bad for you.
  • Where is your favorite place to go?
    • Parties.
  • What is your favorite animal?
    • Giraffes, zebras, penguins...oh, and owls!
  • Who is the better driver? Mommy or papa?
    • Mama!
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
    • Kindergarten or first grade teacher, I'm not sure which yet.
  • Why?
    • Cause, kindergarten and first grade is a lot of fun..
  • What do you do that is naughty?
    • Play with mama's hair.
  • Why do you play with my hair? (she actually weirdly smells it and hangs on to it as it has been her comfort since she was a baby). 
    • Because it smells good and it's fun to play with.
  • Who is your best friend?
    • Hmmm...not so sure. Kids are changing, I'm just not so sure.
  • What is your favorite thing to play?
    • Make bracelets.
  • What is your favorite show?
    • Peppa Pig! I can't lie!!
  • What is your favorite movie?
    • Inside out.
  • Where do you sleep at night?
    • Sometimes mommy's room and sometimes my room.
  • Why?
    • I just sleep in my room when you yell at me to sleep in my room. I hate getting too big to be in the middle.
  • Where does Papa work?
    • He has a new job now. He was working at Rock Communications until he yelled at his boss and was breaking chairs. But he worked on paper and he is so awesome. He tells people to "back off! gimmie some space, dude!". Now he just makes something. (Her interpretation of his breaking point at his previous job just cracks me up!)
  • Where does Mommy work?
    • Preschool. Emerson Hough. I think you help teach little kids?
  • What is your favorite song?
    • "The Hills" by The Weeknd. He talks about it being half-time and says lots of naughty words. But not on the radio, just on papa's cd.
  • What is your favorite toy?
    • Rockin' Royals Barbie - the blue one.
  • Why do I kiss your cheeks all the time?
    • Because you like me and I'm squishy.
  • What is your favorite book?
    • Don't Let the Pigeon books. I love Mo Willems. He has medals on his books.
  • What is your favorite food to cook?
    • Fried mushrooms with papa.
  • What is your favorite word?
    • "Boo-tay" and "bootie".
  • Do you have a favorite quote now?
    • (gives me look as though I'm incredibly dumb) "Don't focus on the past - you'll miss the future" - its from the Descendants movie, mom.
  • Where do babies come from?
    • Butts. (Laughs uncontrollably).
I love her charm, sense of humor and eagerness to learn all she can. I just hope she stays that way!
Don't change my precious, Sophia!

Sophia, two weeks old.

Check out her past birthday interviews:

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