Chilled Berry Soup | Sugar for Breakfast: Chilled Berry Soup
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Monday, March 9, 2015

Chilled Berry Soup

I remember the first time I had strawberry soup. I thought my grandma had no clue what she was doing.
Who makes a cold soup?
Well apparently every cruise line and Walt Disney World do...
It had been years since I last had a bowl of creamy strawberry soup, but that ended when we were on a cruise a few years ago.

And then, it didn't cross my mind again since then.

Until last week when I created a recipe using Chobani Greek Yogurt as an ingredient for their #MadeWithChobani project.
My favorite way of eating Chobani yogurt (I'm a plain or a vanilla type of gal myself) is to make a parfait.
You know, with thawed berries and granola layered in. Or, in my case - typically all mixed together in a cereal bowl. Let's be real. I don't make it fancy every time just so I can devour eat it.

I was stumped.
I mix in the creamy yogurt when I make my cheesecake fillings.
I have added it to my scones.
To cakes.
As a dip.
Nothing seemed fun and exciting.

Until the beautiful image of the rosy pink strawberry soup popped into my head.

I got right to work and came up with my own berry soup recipe.
I was unhappy with just the use of strawberries, so I tossed in some red raspberries.
Just a few really enhanced the flavor of the soup overall and created something totally new to me.
The best thing about using Chobani yogurt in this recipe, is you could get a little crazy. There are many flavors to choose from.
You could totally get away from my plain ol' recipe and add a berry yogurt, or get real wild and try Key Lime or Pineapple Coconut in it.
The combinations are virtually endless!
You can check out all the flavors offered on the Chobani website.

I recommend blending everything together and letting it chill at least 3 or 4 hours before serving.
I dotted a bit of heavy cream on the top and swirled a knife through it to get the waves on the top. You could get fancy with it and make quite the impression with this as an appetizer, dessert, or just a side dish.

Chilled Berry Soup

by Emily Chhouy
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: Chill 3-4 hours

Ingredients (4 servings)
  • 1 lb. fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced in half
  • 1/4 cup fresh red raspberries
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 5.3 oz. plain or vanilla Chobani Greek Yogurt
Combine the berries, cream, sugar and yogurt together in a blender or food processor.
Blend until mixture is smooth and creamy.
Pour into either a large bowl or individual serving bowls, cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
Before serving, dot with heavy cream on top and swirl, if desired.
Add sliced fresh fruit to garnish.
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