Beer Bread {easy} | Sugar for Breakfast: Beer Bread {easy}
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Beer Bread {easy}

My daughter loves beer bread.
She thinks it is so funny that it is made with beer.
I guess to a five-year-old it would seem pretty crazy!

When she finishes a piece she always says, "see, I'm not even drunk!"
She thinks all drinks of alcohol equates to a person becoming stumbling drunk.
I'm glad she thinks that and I'm not going to make her think any different :) I mean, she is five!
But anyways, I haven't ever made beer bread from "scratch" before.
I knew it wasn't difficult and after finding my Grandma's recipe, I knew it couldn't be difficult.

In fact, it ticked me off!
Well, because I don't know how much money I've spent on a certain company's beer bread mix (Tastefully Simple)...and this tastes exactly like it!
All it is is flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt that I've been adding a can of beer to?
For the amount of cash I've shelled out for that mix, I could have made hundreds of beer bread loaves...literally.
You will never have to buy that silly mix. Ever. Again.

Well I didn't have any self-rising flour on hand, so that's why I added baking soda and salt...and of course I added butter!

So tasty.

Beer Bread {easy}
{printable recipe}

3 cups self-rising flour (or 3 cups flour, 3 3/4 teaspoons baking soda, 3/4 teaspoon salt)
6 tablespoons sugar
12oz can of warm beer

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a mixing bowl, combine flour (and rising agents if needed), sugar, and beer.
Mix well, until flour is all moistened.
Spread evenly in a greased loaf pan.
Dot the top with some butter.
Bake 50-55 minutes, or until top is golden brown.
Immediately brush top with butter.
Let cool completely before slicing.

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