Week in Review | Sugar for Breakfast: Week in Review
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week in Review

The last week flew by for me. Even though it was a bit stressful at the beginning {school, housework, kids, husband...need I say more?} I had a great ending to my week with a day spent at Adventureland {a roller coaster park}, and then today my daughter and I met up with my sister for the Des Moines Downtown Farmer's Market!
It was a day full of fun, and a nap, which felt really good after the past few days of activities!

The biggest cause of my stress - my summer courses. I took a 4 week World Religions class...intense!! The last day was Friday. WOO HOO! Each week included 3 power points/outlines/exams. This week was the only week all 3 courses overlapped each other. Thank goodness!!

One of the most exciting things I did this week was create an instagram account for my cute long-haired basset hound, Bruce Lee! You can follow him and his {lazy} adventures here @mrbruceleetheebasset 


My daughter took her BFF with us to enjoy the day at Adventureland! And the hubs and I had fun watching them! Everyone thinks they are twins when we are out and about!


Love the sights, sounds, and the TASTES of the Des Moines Downtown Farmer's Market!

My sister, Ann {ladylovescoffee} spoils my daughter - today she got a hat! We started out the morning with some fresh pastries - I enjoyed an Almond Vanilla pastry, and Ann ate a fruit tart. Then headed to Java Joe's to get that fix out of the way...but that breakfast pizza was calling our names!! So Bacon & Ham breakfast pizza it was, from Something Italian.  I did purchase some fresh veggies, I swear :) tomatoes, onions, cilantro, zucchini, jalapenos, and avocados were on my shopping list today!

After the Farmer's Market, we headed to my daughter's favorite restaurant, which happens to serve amazing burgers, Zombie Burger. It is delicious, but expect a wait to get seated. Always. Always expect a wait. Today however, the weather was great, so we scored and were able to sit outside. First time ever not having to wait. Look how fun the menu is!

My personal favorite is the #7, the Raygun. SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!!!

Sophia's usual order - a kid's grilled cheese and fries
After our lunch we needed to burn some of our caloric intake, so headed over for a walk through the sculpture park, also in downtown Des Moines...

When we arrived home, Sophia was anxious to cut some of the flowers that have bloomed on our numerous peony bushes. They are beautiful!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week, once the sunshine decided to peek out!

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